Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I have about 30 secs to blog, but I really wanted to know how everyone felt about colored leggings? At American Apparel last night, I couldn't help but love the dark pinks ones! What would I wear them with? And what if you have less than model legs? What do you think??

Friday, March 23, 2007

"Why don't you like me?"

No, I'm not really asking. That would be very annoying. I'm quoting my latest obsession. If you haven't heard of Mika yet, you will. I don't know a lot about music, but I do know that he is beautiful and has the most amazing voice ever. Download Grace Kelly and Love Today and begin your obsession! It's really intoxicating. All his shows are sold out here in NYC but he is going to be at the Columbus Circle Borders March 30th at 4 p.m.. I'll see you there! Now, does anyone know if he's straight? I doubt it. The good one's never are.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

It's a Starbucks kinda' day...

I should be studying. Instead I'm drinking 5 cups of black tea, eating a multigrain apple donut (0 grams of trans fat but 500 cals I'm sure), and watching a woman smoke a cigarette she found on the ground. I love people watching. All the different styles walking up and down West Broadway provide some serious entertainment for me. Hey, that's where I get a lot of my fashion ideas. I'm usually focusing on something in particular. Sometimes it's shoes, sometimes bags. Today it's pants. This is because I don't like pants. I have just never in my life chosen jeans and a t-shirt over a dress and boots. I am maybe the only person in the world that thinks denim is totally overused. Also, since I'm not allowed to wear jeans to work, I have to search for casual but stylish pants. I LOATHE it. Last night I went to 3 different stores and hated almost every pair I tried on. Granted, I was PMSing and wasn't at the most high quality stores, but still. First stop, Forever 21 for some cheap, wide leg, linen, sailor style ones. The smalls were a little too tight, too many apple multigrain donuts, and the mediums too big. Ever hear of using numbers? Ugh. Next, H&M whose dresses are amazing but pants don't always fit a curvy body so well. Tried on a bunch with no luck. They were either see-through, too long, or just pulled at some places and were too big in others. Lastly Zara, which was very promising but they close so early! The security guard kicked me out. So, girls, help! What pants will you be wearing this Spring?? Ideas, ideas, please!! Or should I just give up and buy 30 dresses and be done with it? I want to look cute but different. Every single girl at school wears super skinny jeans, BRIGHT sneakers, and a puffy jacket. It's nauseating, but at least they are putting the Uggs to rest.
PS If you were wondering why I'm not in Jersey on The Sopranos set, it got rescheduled to April 4th. I'll keep you updated on another blink-and-you'll-miss-me job.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Am I giving up?

If you were in the city this weekend, you know there was a war protest up 2nd Avenue. Walking by with my mom and my grand mom I got really choked up. I had goosebumps seeing priests standing next to gay rights activists proudly holding rainbow flags. It was a great New York moment for me. Then today, walking down Chambers St. in Tribeca, there was a similar protest but this time all high school students. It was so amazing to see these smart, educated and passionate teens rally for something they cared about so much. It made me feel like I should be doing more. I don't know a person who is more against this administration than me, but I'm not protesting. It made me think, does it really make a difference? Will the 2nd Ave/Chambers protests really change anything? Or is it my fault; Am I giving up? I guess voting is my protest against what is going on but should we be doing more? Does it matter? What do you guys think?

Monday, March 19, 2007

To All My Fellow Bloggers...

First, I just want to give props to the writers who inspired me to start this blog. All the ladies at Glamour Mag, especially Ashley Baker, http://www.glamour.com/fashionbeauty/blogs/fashion , I just love. They are funny, smart, and ridicously entertaining. Check them out. Perez Hilton, http://www.perezhilton.com/ , love him or hate him, is the ultimate blogger. He knows things before they happen and keeps me up to date on everything from Britney to serious political issues. Love you Perez. At first I wasn't sure about blogs. I used to feel like they were to impersonal. Thanks to other great bloggers, I see how personal, heartfelt, fun, and educational a great blog can be. I want to talk about everything here. Please don't hold back! Some posts may be light and fun, some serious and dark, but please join in and speak amongst yourselves. I want to know, what do you want to you want to talk about most here? What do you NOT want to hear about? What are you totally sick of hearing about? Thanks and Welcome! xo
PS Spell check isn't working. It will get better ;)