Friday, April 6, 2007


* I apologize for the spelling. The spell check isn't working and I'm too tired to care!
It was such a long day! But a good one. Thanks so much for the nice words. If you are not in NYC, it was snowing yesterday! It was supossed to be early Spring on The Sopranos set so I was wearing a light jacket and freezing to death. Like really, I couldn't feel my feet and we were outside for about 5 hours. It was still awesome though. It was boring and monotnous, we did the same thing over and over, but awesome. What's even better is that you meet people. I met a really nice girl who just moved into my 'hood so I invited her over to watch the new season. We shot at Montclair High School in NJ which was really nice and pretty. Just cold. I PROMISED my BFF Danielle I would meet her at the Yankees game at 7:05 for the first pitch and at 6 we were still in Jersey so it really wasn't looking good. So I hopped a ride with these two girls in front of me in line to fill out paperwork and they dropped me off at a train station so I could get back into the city quicker than the van we drove in on. It was so nice of them. I didn't make 7:05 but I was pretty close. We only stayed 'til 9 though because we were freezing. I had finally gotten warm! There was no amount of hot choclate that was helping so we went and had dinner and I went to bed.

To answer the question of my fainting spell, it was at an HBO shoot for the documenty "Addiction." I'm sure you have seen the ads around. They're everywhere! I'm just in the ads and the promos. The documentry is real people with addiction. Well to make a very long story short, I had barley eaten, the studio in Brooklyn was really hot, there were really bright lights, and I was up on the top of a bleacher. It was like a movie. Everything went black and I went down. So embarassing! I cringe still thinking out it. This nice man carried me off and people ran and got orange juice to bring my sugar back up. The people on that shoot were the nicest people I have ever worked with in my life. They made me feel so comfortable for the rest of the 2 day shoot. The photographer kept asking me if I was alright! ugh. It was an experience.

On a fashion obsessed note, I need a new pair of wide leg jeans but can't spend $200. Has anyone found good ones? Forever 21 had cute ones but they didn't fit well.

Everyone have the best holiday! I'm going to my grandmom's to eat and watch episode after episode of Law and Order. Back to the real world...

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