Thursday, June 3, 2010


I'm sure you've heard about the things said about this commercial by the evil Bill O'Reilly. If you haven't, I refuse to post his video but in a nutshell, via

"Does that make you hungry when you watch that?" he asked repeatedly. "Does it make you run out and want some fries?" When she pointed out to him that the ad is part of a broader campaign with the slogan "Venez comme vous etes"--which translates as "Come as you are"--he asked if McDonald's will also be airing an Al Qaeda ad.

First of all, as much as I hate O' Reilly, I still think he should be legally allowed to say these awful things. That being said, this scumbag is comparing gays to Al Qaeda. For real. I get what he's saying; the commercial doesn't make a lot of sense selling fast food. It doesn't matter though, because McDonald's ads are not really about selling food. Everyone knows what they're getting into when they eat there. They are trying to sell a better image in the free-range-organic-eco-friendly 2010 world. Is this commercial amazing and ground breaking? No, but it's a start. I mean, France doesn't have marriage or adoption equality but at least one company is attempting some change.

So what now? What does our generation do about Bill O'Reilly's comments (other than tweet about it?) Stop watching his show, listening to his podcasts...what else? Don't you think if a news person said these things about a race of people there would be a major uproar?

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