It's really disappointing when you find out that a company you frequently give money to, for lack of a better word, sucks. When I learned more about Whole Foods' asshole president, I boycotted as long as I could. I eventually gave in but almost always choose Trader Joe's instead. We do the best we can as consumers. It seems like every other day something more icky comes out about Urban Outfitters. I'm not ignorant; I don't actually think UO is a super respectable company, but come on. Have you seen the new "Eat Less" tee-shirt? Urban has taken it off the website but according to Huffingtonpost.com they can be found at many NYC stores. I know they are trying to be ironic and "cool" but it's a little gross, right? I personally don't think it's funny and I tend to think a lot of inappropriate things are funny.
Picture via Huffingtonpost.com
This is just one of a list of sketchy things UO is pulling. The Frisky was one of the first media outlets reporting on the company using "Obama/Black" to describe a color of a shirt. Eew.
Through The Frisky I also learned about Urban's lack of support for marriage equality and their misogynistic men's tee.
What are your thoughts? Will any of these things make you shop at UO any less? Do you at all now? Vote in my poll!
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