Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jury Duty Day 1

...and hopefully the last! I have a bad feeling I'm going to be picked for this jury. Hey, I'd pick me! The people in my group are ca-razy! Everyone tried to get out of it. First they said, "If anyone can't understand BASIC English get in this line." So, about 20 people line up. He's like, "YOU ALL UNDERSTOOD WHAT I SAID SO WHY ARE YOU IN LINE?" Umm, wow. I know that this is important so even though I don't want to miss work, I'm not going to lie. I feel bad for the lawyers. A girl in my group told them (and the rest of us) that her dad abuses her step-mom and there's nothing the court will do. Our case involves someone who was born in Russia, will anyone have a problem deciding if he is guilty? One guy is like, YES. I would decided against him if he's Russian. Great, dismissed. But the problem is that if you get dismissed for this, you don't go home. You have to wait for a different jury selection. My chances of getting out of this? Slim.

The outfits people are wearing here are horrendous. Some girls look like they're going to a club! I'm seeing a lot of neon leggings. In a courthouse? A lot of the men are in sweats looking like they just crawled out of bed. Lovely. I'll check back in later!

P.S. If you care, I went preppy :)

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