Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Please join us.

OK, I know we have a while until the election, but I'm ready to start. This is the most important part of our lives right now and everyone needs to get involved. I don't have any money and I am only one person but we can't give up. After the Bush "win" I was insanely depressed thinking that I, including most people I knew, didn't matter. I am doing everything I can to not feel that way.

I can't give a lot of money but anything helps. I also really believe that word of mouth is the most important thing. People actually told me that they thought of me as they voted last election. There is nothing more flattering than that.

Please read what you can about Hillary. Trust me, she is great. I can go into Planned Parenthood tonight, say that I don't have any money, and get free birth control. When I got into the city, that is exactly what I did. She wants to get us out of Iraq ASAP (thank god), get gay people the rights they deserve, and let women keep their reproductive rights. Is she perfect? No, but she's the best we've got. She isn't totally liberal enough for me, but she will get better when she gets into office; she just needs some conservative vote.

What about Obama, you ask? Sure he's a GREAT looking guy. So is John Edwards. The both have great values and ideas. They would both make great presidents but all of these great candidates are going to cancel each other out and a Republican will win again. Its so frustrating! I have a really soft spot in my heart for Gore but its the same deal.

Please do what you can. Read today. Talk tomorrow. Vote Hillary 2008.

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